REYOOZ Fluor type crates

Photo ID 117257
  • Product Passport ID


  • Quantity


  • Weight

    5 kg

  • Dimensions WxHxD

    0 x 0 x 0 cm

  • Embodied Carbon

    12.05 kg

Removal Storage IT3 Crate Box Container 138L Incorporating an integral hinged lid provides the secure distribution solution. Containers stack when lids closed and nest when lids open, therefore reducing the amount of space required for storage. Technical specification Ext.Top Dim. 710 L x 575 W x 470 H mm Int.Base Dim. 575 L x 480 W x 450 H mm Capacity 138 litres Weight: 4.85 Plain Crate with 2 handles


Berna House,
Hillbottom Road,
High Wycombe.
HP12 4HS

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