Great Portland Estates

Sustainability Report

Installing Reyooz at Great Portland Estates connects their furniture, fixtures, equipment and materials to a massive marketplace of over 50,000 members. Comprehensive reports show cost savings, waste reduction and embodied carbon reductions while tracking and tracing where every item is reused or recycled.

£ 38,137

Total value

An estimated Notional Replacement Value of everything listed based on original RRP's


Total weight

Based on the estimated weight of each item listed.


Embodied carbon

Based on Embodied Carbon data related to materials from the ICE dataset.

How much carbon is that?

Carbon comparison calculations based on data from the ICE dataset also used by BREEAM and WELL in the UK.

Watch TV for 4,180 days non-stop

Power a house for 470 days

Produce beef for 6,699 burgers

Drive a car for 650 hours non-stop

Light a bulb for 147 years continuously

Burn 5.86 tonnes of coal

What we can't reuse is recycled.

We had to recycle 142kg of stuff containing 346kg embodied carbon.

Assets Under Management

You've recorded, reused, redistributed or recycled 43 items.

View the full list of items.

Social impact

Below are some of the communities, schools, charities and small businesses that received items.

For members of this organisation there is an exhaustive list of recipients at the bottom of this page.

Atypical Work Space Charity

ONS data revealed that in 2021, just 29% of autistic adults are in any kind of employment. And we're here to challenge that.

A registered charity, at Atypical Work Space we have created a safe and supportive work and social environment, where adjustments are made so our neurodiverse team can work and thrive, helping them lead more independent and productive lives.

As well as developing their practical, social and life skills, we pay the Living Wage, which in some cases gives them their first experience of financial independence.

We receive no external funding so rely totally on the income our neurodiverse team generates from: repairing, refurbishing and recycling computer equipment; selling items via our eBay shop; providing IT support to customers; and finally, from your donations.

Dockside Property Services

Dockside Property Services sell and let homes for people, with the emphasis on homes and people. We strive to offer you a more personalised service and since our humble beginnings we have grown to become a very well respected company.

Total traceability and accountability

28 items can be traced from your office to 10 new homes


Berna House,
Hillbottom Road,
High Wycombe.
HP12 4HS

Reyooz is a trademark of Rype Office Ltd registered in England & Wales Company Number 09702306