Total value
Based on the original recommended retail price RRP
Total weight
Based on estimated weight of each item
Embodied carbon
Based on Embodied Carbon data from the ICE dataset
Carbon comparison calculations based on data from the ICE dataset also used by BREEAM and WELL in the UK.
Watch TV for 2,539 days non-stop
Power a house for 286 days
Produce beef for 4,070 burgers
Drive a car for 395 hours non-stop
Light a bulb for 89 years continuously
Burn 3.56 tonnes of coal
We had to recycle 141kg of stuff containing 300kg embodied carbon.
14 Desks
36 Chairs
6 Tables
4 Cabinets
“Reyooz has had a transformational impact on our school - we have refurbished our Conference Room and main entrance, the Deputy Headteachers Office, two Assistant Headteacher Offices, the staffroom, the pupil library as well as various classrooms with desks, chairs and computer screens.
We've refreshed half of the school! This is all thanks to Reyooz!"
Rashid Benserghin, Head Teacher