
Sustainability Report

Installing Reyooz at Savills connects their furniture, fixtures and equipment to a massive marketplace where anything and everything can be reused, repaired, refurbished, resold and recycled. Making the Circular Economy happen with the flick of a switch.

£ 376,595

Total value

Based on the original recommended retail price RRP


Total weight

Based on estimated weight of each item


Embodied carbon

Based on Embodied Carbon data from the ICE dataset

How much carbon is that?

Reyooz gathers every gram of data empowering you to report anything and everything Net Zero and ESG.

Watch TV for 24,716 days non-stop

Power a house for 2,780 days

Produce beef for 39,612 burgers

Drive a car for 3,846 hours non-stop

Light a bulb for 871 years continuously

Burn 34.66 tonnes of coal

892kg recycled accounting for 5,489kg embodied carbon replacement value £16,480

Groups in this organisation

Each group represents a building or property. You'll find all of your items in the groups. Click on a group to see the items.

Social impact

Reyoozing adds huge value to local communities, charities, schools and small businesses.

JC Meade Florists in Hackney

"I am so thankful for Meade's: they've been tireless in supporting our community, donating Christmas wreaths, being complete legends. We love them!"
- Al Gordon, Rector of Hackney.

Katherine Warington School

The ethos of our school is aimed at enabling every student to make outstanding progress, whatever their starting point. We offer traditional academic values with an innovative, technology rich approach, providing high quality education for young people within their local community.

Good Food Matters

Good Food Matters are dedicated to growing a healthy community in Croydon – making nutritious produce and healthy cookery available to all.

Northstar New School

Northstar New School is designed to meet the needs of children who cannot cope in a mainstream school. Pupils will often have a history of very challenging behaviour within a school setting and perhaps at home. We offer a strong and stable staff team who are experienced and passionate about giving these children new chances. We would like to give them and their families a new north star, a new direction and focus for their educational life.

Churchill Healthcare

Churchill Health & Social Care provides a professional person centred service that enables you to remain in the familiar surroundings in the comfort of your own home.

We've refurbished several offices with desks and chairs found at Reyooz, enabling us to invest our money into care.

St John’s Centre

St John’s Centre - provides a safe environment in which people from all groups within the local community can meet together for social, educational and recreational activities.

Old Emanuel Rugby Football Club

Old Emanuel Rugby was founded in 1909-10 as the old boy's club for Emanuel School Alumni. In 1999, the club opened its doors to non-old boys and since then has expanded to become an RFU-accredited Community Club gaining the RFU’s Seal of Approval and Club Mark accreditation. The club now boasts a 300-strong Minis 'Lions' section (U5-18), full Girls section, Touch Rugby and Vets 'Portscullers' teams.

Crate to Plate

Crate to Plate Farm - Fresh Greens. Grown Locally. London based hydroponic and aeroponic farms. Growing fresh produce 365 days a year. Available to consumers and trade.

NHS Harston Surgery

Local Dr's surgery in Harston, Cambridge.

Total traceability and accountability

Every single item can be traced from your office to 89 new homes


Reyooz Limited,
Third Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London.


Reyooz Warehouse,
Node Farm, Bury Lane, Codicote, Hertfordshire.

Reyooz is a limited company registered in England & Wales Company Number 08874735