ASC Building

Sustainability Report


Total Embodied Carbon

£ 52,799

Notional Replacement Value

RRP of goods recorded


Total Weight of AUM

We had to recycle 916kg of stuff containing 1003kg embodied carbon.

Watch TV for 2,480 days non-stop

Power a house for 279 days

Produce beef for 3,974 burgers

Drive a car for 386 hours non-stop

Light a bulb for 87 years continuously

Burn 3.48 tonnes of coal

Carbon comparison calculations based on data from the ICE dataset, acknowledge by BREEAM and WELL in the UK.

Assets Under Management

You've recorded, reused, redistributed and recycled 245 items.

View the full list of items.

Social impact

Reyoozing adds huge value to local communities, charities, schools and small businesses.

Gladesmore Community School

Gladesmore Community School in Tottenham is today one of the most popular schools in the area; almost all students come from disadvantaged backgrounds, 93% are from ethnic minorities and 68% get at least five good GCSEs.

It has been a journey to bring the school up from where it was to where it is, and the amazing equipment they get from Reyooz helps to create a fabulous environment on a shoestring budget

Katherine Warington School

The ethos of our school is aimed at enabling every student to make outstanding progress, whatever their starting point. We offer traditional academic values with an innovative, technology rich approach, providing high quality education for young people within their local community.

The Jigsaw Trust

Jigsaw Trust is a charity inspired by autism in its desire to provide the very best in ongoing education, vocational and wellbeing services for autistic individuals as well as the best support for their families.

The Lockdown Bakehouse

Lockdown Bakehouse was formed by 2 South London locals & hospitality professionals whose businesses & livelihoods came to a complete standstill when lockdown was announced.

What started off as just doing our bit, helping where we could with supplies and stock to the NHS, shifted to helping locals in the area with key essentials.

Flour, eggs & loo roll was in demand & this soon turned into bread, pastries & more. Baking from a small cafe kitchen evolved into a move to full-time bakery. Forced by adversity in the worst of times, the Lockdown Bakehouse was born.

Rosh Pinah Primary School

A warm and welcoming modern Orthodox Jewish primary school where our pupils are encouraged to be their very best selves.


Quiver enable e-commerce sites to offer Immediate Delivery, Same Day Delivery and more. We're setting the standard for e-commerce delivery. Simple integrations, a clean customer interface and cutting edge technology means your delivery experience is truly magical. Deliveries are fast. Emissionless. Trackable. Editable.

NHS Harston Surgery

Local Dr's surgery in Harston, Cambridge.

Bridgewater Primary School, Hertfordshire

As Head teacher, I am proud to share our lovely school, where every child experiences a positive, enriching environment, where they are safe and happy, they feel valued and trusted and they strive to reach their true potential. We provide every child with their own unique path to learning - nurturing their characters and ways of understanding the world around them. Andrea Bettridge

Total traceability and accountability

Every single item can be traced from your office to 82 new homes


Reyooz Limited,
Third Floor, 86-90 Paul Street, London.


Reyooz Warehouse,
Node Farm, Bury Lane, Codicote, Hertfordshire.

Reyooz is a limited company registered in England & Wales Company Number 08874735